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PAX East 2013: How video games can save education

Original article from JostiqThe two games written about in the above article, Atlantis Remixed and Mystery of the Taiga River, are both examples of how video games are being used to educate students. In Atlantis Remixed, the player examines and analyzes the situation...

Playing to Learn

Panelists at Stanford discussion say using games as an educational tool provides opportunities for deeper learning.” According to a panel of educators at Stanford, the possibilities video games create are hugely beneficial to what’s currently available....

Five Months Of Teaching

Five months of teaching English and I’ve discovered numerous issues with the system. When I say numerous, I’m saying I could write a 5,000 page book on why the system sucks. What always stands out most to me while I’m in the classroom is how much...

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead. I remember my first time watching The Walking Dead (TWD). The pilot episode was solid and even the entire first season, as short as it was, was enjoyable enough. Then the series continued on and I quickly found myself losing interest in the show. On...

Learn Japanese To Survive

About a year ago I played through a game (soon to be a series) which focuses on the specific task of teaching the player Japanese, because I was considering moving to Japan. That game was called Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle (HB). In this game, you take...

Planescape Torment

I’m the Nameless One with no name. I’m you. My name is the Nameless One. That’s not actually my name, but I don’t know my name, so I go by Nameless One. See, I woke up in a mortuary on top of a large slab of stone. I’m dead, but not...


Hello everyone, I’m back in Thailand and working at a new school. So far I’m enjoying my new school much more than my old one. Coming from America, it might seem strange when I say Thailand is obsessed with mobile phones. Get on a train, look around, and...

What Time Is It?

We all run on individual time. People are always in a hurry to go no where. I’m sure some version of that first sentence exists as a quote. We have so much time, but so little is utilized to work on what we’re really passionate about. What is it that keeps...

Light Bot

Light Bot 2 is a really fun way to start off with programming. Today was my first experience with this puzzle game. I was happy to see a game which teaches programming. I was even happier to see the use of icons in place of confusing text. My biggest issues with...